Wednesday, June 3, 2009



I have some good news and some bad news about the reunion...........

Bad news first...........

This morning I made the decision to cancel the dinner event for our reunion. I have only had 20 people RSVP for the dinner (11 Alumni plus 9 guests). We needed close to 50 Alumni in order to make it work. I am bummed because I was looking forward to this event. For those of you that paid for this event, I will be calling you this Saturday to verify your correct mailing address so that I can mail you a refund check.

Good news............

We will still have the Wheeler Farm Day Event on August 1st from 11am to 2pm. The address is 6351 S. 900 E. (South Lawn), SLC, UT 84121. There is no cost to this event, and family members including kids are welcome. We are working on having some type of activity there for the kids (magic show, clown, bounce houses, or something like that). Please bring your own lunch. I will buy some snack food and desserts for everyone to share. The rest of the leftover money from the 10-year reunion will be saved for the 20-year reunion.

I have heard from many alumni that they were not able to attend the reunion dinner because of the economy, out of town, still mourning over the King of Pop's death, etc.

Hopefully we can get a better turnout for the 20 year reunion. Mandi Nebel Taylor has volunteered to be the chairperson for the 20-year reunion. We will have a sign in sheet at the Wheeler farm event, so that if you are interested in helping with the 20-year reunion you can let us know. I am sure that many of you remember Mandi, she is very capable of planning something like a reunion, and hopefully some of us will be willing to help her make it a success.

Another option that I am considering is to book a group room at a restaurant somewhere in the SLC area for the night of August 1st. That way if a bunch of people want to informally get together that night for dinner they will at least have somewhere to go. We will have information about this at Wheeler Farm. This would be at your own cost if you attend.

I apologize I had to cancel the dinner event. Please let me know if you are planning on coming to the Wheeler Farm event, so that I have an idea on what to plan for as far as extra food and activities.

Please spread the word.

Thank you,

Ryan Lambert

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